Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Newsmax.com - Romney Suggests Palin 'Beautiful,' Not Influential

Newsmax.com - Romney Suggests Palin 'Beautiful,' Not Influential

Isn't it amazing how frightened the elite vanity candidates are (read that Romney and J. Bush) of Sarah Palin. They so desparately want to reclaim the GOP from commoners. These boring sons of former prominent parents continue to take cheap shots at the one GOP leader who excites the grass roots. Remember, their parents shot those same darts at Ronald Reagan. Romney and Bush want to destroy the Reagan revolution. Palin stands in the wings ready to take it over. Jim

1 comment:

Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Romney is a gentleman with character and class- particularly when compared to what we're stuck with in the WH now. Mitt said nothing offensive whatsoever, and IMO it is ridiculous to scrape for some sort of wrong. So move-along people... there's nothing going on here, only more manipulation from the left.

The current abhorrent situation in Washington calls for GOP party unity... rather than foolishly playing into the Machiavellian Emanuel and Obama's hands by starting destructive battles of the primary two years early.

Team Obama and the DNC have been employing despicable Alinsky-esque divide-and-conquer/character assassination techniques for months now... manufacturing "conflicts" like Rush vs. Steele... plus ceaseless ridicule of Jindal, Palin, even distortion of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Clearly, the strategy is to eliminate GOP rallying points and philosophical framework for 2010/12.

What's been done to Palin and her family by the MSM is beyond-the-pale. But the left is so self-righteous, ala USSR, that they feel any means justify the ends... even editing interviews disingenuously, digging through her closet, and attacking her children in the national media. If she's so silly and irrelevant, why the obsession?

Gov. Sarah Palin has been highly successful in life while ignoring the left-wing feminist model... this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks. She turns their nonsensical world-view on it's head, and with a smile.

Dems are terrified of Palin coming-back at them in 2012 with a dynamic and complementary VP like Bobby Jindal... or visa versa. And they have plenty of reason to fear her-

Palin is the most popular governor in the country; her 60+% approval rating exceeds that of the MSM-pumped Obama... are all those people up there idiots?

Alaska was a pretty corrupt system until she stepped in. Her reforms took on entrenched politicians (inc. Republicans), a mafioso-style union boss, and Big Oil.

Wouldn't it have been nice if Obama had been principled and brave enough to confront the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine?

Shady political operators like Tony Rezko?

Racist preachers?

Instead of doing business with every last one of them?

Go get em, Sarah- and Mitt. Don't mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion.
