Friday, October 17, 2008

Who Pays Income Taxes? See Who Pays What

Who Pays Income Taxes? See Who Pays What

If this doesn't open your eyes up as to the danger of what Obama and his fellow socialists Pelosi and Reed are proposing then nothing will.

The citizenry of this country are already over-taxed as it stands now. An Obama administration will drastically add to that burden. Obama says he want to increase taxes only on those earning $250k/year or more.

What he doesn't say is that those earning $250k or more comprise only 3% of the households earning income in the US and are paying 40% of the taxes already. If his plan is implemented as he has laid out, a family whose household income is $250k or greater will pay approximately 60% of every dollar earned in taxes! And that money will be returned to households earning $31k or less. That my friends is called income redistribution, and that is socialism...pure and simple.

1 comment:

Louis Michael said...

Why penalize the most productive members of society and penalize them for doing good work? Why reward the least productive? This is a good way to replicate the brain drain the English experienced in the fifties and sixties. New Zealand is looking pretty good.